Argow Health

Argow Health needed an identity that would showcase the science behind their services using great design and smart, accessible copy.



Argow Health’s new logo is a simple leaf-like O-shape that nods to their connection to plant-based foods. It also evokes their commitment to the personal growth of their patients. This logo is versatile and easy to use in an array of colors and circumstances. The simplicity of this logo also speaks to the way making simple changes in our habits (like introducing a plant-based diet) can optimize our health.



Since food is a large part of Argow’s offering, it was important to showcase colorful and nutritious food prominently on their web and social media. We went with lots of rich colors with moody undertones.



Argow was looking for a clean and minimalistic website to feature their beautiful photography and embody their philosophy of nature. It was important for them to be able to easily manage the site long-term, so we developed it using a custom Squarespace template. We rolled out their web launch with an ambitious social media campaign releasing posts every other day with inspiring copy about getting healthy.