How To Take (Real) Time Off When You’re A Business Owner


Burnout is a huge issue for small business owners. Sometimes you need to take a break from work, but that’s easier said than done when you’re the boss. 

When you work for someone else, you usually have PTO at your disposal. So how do you take time off when you’re self-employed? 

Plenty of us have pushed off breaks or vacations because we’re afraid our clients won’t understand, or that some catastrophe will happen while we’re unreachable. 

Those things can certainly happen, and that’s why every small business owner should plan ahead to take true, stress-free time away from your business. Here’s how you can truly unplug as a business owner—without running your business into the ground.


3 tips to take time off when you’re the boss

A calculated risk is different because you don’t jump into a situation blindly. You dig in and do your homework before committing to a radical, new path. Follow these quick tips to make sure a leap of faith is what you truly need.


Tip #1: Set expectations

It’s easier to take a break when people know you’re unavailable. The more heads up you can give your team, clients, and partners, the better. Let everyone know when you’ll be unavailable with a quick email or heads up during your next meeting. 

A few days before you leave, remind everyone again. This means doing a little bit of planning (and maybe some extra work) beforehand, but it means you’ll enjoy time away from the office instead of answering frantic phone calls while you’re out.


Tip #2: Block off your calendar

Picture it: you’re taking a much-deserved nap when, suddenly, your phone dings. You’ve got a meeting in one hour with a prospective client, which means you can say good-bye to that nap. 

Always block off your calendar so no one can schedule meetings while you’re out of the office. If you’re traveling, don’t forget to block off travel time, too. There’s nothing less fun than taking an impromptu client call at the airport.


Tip #3: Set up auto-responders

Sure, people might find auto-responders a little annoying, but they’re essential for taking time off from your work. After all, it’s unlikely that your clients will always remember you’re out of the office; an auto-responder is a quick, automatic reminder that tells everyone when you’ll return. 

Let people know your level of availability while you’re out of the office, as well as who they can reach out to in your absence. Here’s an example of an OOO message we like to use: 

“I will be out of the office from 12/2 - 12/10 with limited availability. For billing, email For support, email support@, etc. For all other inquiries, please email and your message will be routed to the appropriate person. I will respond to your email as soon as I return."


The bottom line

Chances are, you created your small business to enjoy more freedom. So enjoy it! Unplug like you mean it: when you’re out of the office, log out of your apps, turn off your notifications, and breathe! Take this time to recharge so you can return to work refreshed and ready to take care of business.



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