Need Accountability? 5 Ways To Hold Yourself Accountable


New year, new you, right? 

Well, our New Year’s resolutions tend to fizzle out around mid-January when real life sets in. But it doesn’t have to be this way: 50% of all people actually do achieve their goals for the new year, after all. 

If you want to achieve your goals, you need accountability. For example, if you share your goal with someone, you’re 65% more likely to achieve it. And if you follow up with others regularly about your goals, you’re 95% more likely to achieve your goals. 

Pretty crazy, right? The key is to hold yourself accountable in ways that work for you. If you’re dead-set on fulfilling your goals in 2021, try these 5 accountability tips to stay the course, no matter what.


Tip #1: Write down your goals

Writing down your goals makes you 42% more likely to achieve them. But it’s not enough to just write down your goals in a journal and never look at them again. 

Write down your goals and display them somewhere you’ll see them every day. That might mean:

  • Writing your goals on a slip of paper and placing them in your wallet.

  • Using a dry-erase marker to write your goals on your office window. 

  • Changing your phone wallpaper or lock screen to display your goals.

You get the point. Make the goals super-visible so you always have a reminder of what you’re striving for.


Tip #2: Break down your goal

A big goal like, “Increase revenue” is hard to achieve on its own. Set yourself up for success by breaking your big annual goal into smaller, more achievable daily goals. This way, you can add specific actions to your daily schedule, which translates into achieving your goals!

For example, if you want to increase revenue, that might mean pitching clients every day. You can add that to your calendar to pitch every day at 2 pm so it becomes a habit.


Tip #3: Loop other people in

It might take a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to run a small business. Tell your team, spouse, and friends about your goals. They can provide another layer of accountability by checking in with you regularly. 

Looping in your network is also a great idea because they can offer support and resources. For example, if your goal is to improve your personal brand this year, someone in your network could connect you with a great headshot photographer. You never know!


Tip #4: Set boundaries

Have you ever wondered why so many of us abandon our goals for the New Year? Most of the time, it’s because life gets in the way. Instead of letting client meetings and business stress railroad your goals, hold your goals as sacred. 

If you’re having a hard time working on your goals, carve time out in your daily schedule to work on them. Don’t take any client calls or answer emails during this time; just focus on your goals.


Tip #5: Bribe yourself

Yes, rewards are actually an important part of achieving your goals. Sure, it’s sort of like bribing yourself, but if it works, do it!

Reward yourself after achieving important milestones to your goal, as well as the goal itself. This will help you savor all of your hard work and help you feel motivated to move on to your next set of challenges!


The bottom line

Chances are, you created your small business to enjoy more freedom. So enjoy it! Unplug like you mean it: when you’re out of the office, log out of your apps, turn off your notifications, and breathe! Take this time to recharge so you can return to work refreshed and ready to take care of business.



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